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Summer Update

Dear Friend of ACCES,As we approach the warmer days of mid-summer, with a tentative, gradual easing of the restrictions and lockdowns underway here in Canada, our Kenyan students are now in the winter rains. Even though easing of some conditions...

July 10 update

Look what you did! Here we are, almost at the middle of July, with COVID restrictions being loosened as our economies re-start and things begin to return to some kind of normalcy. We at ACCES hope that you have...

Facebook Video Premiere

Watch our President and Executive Director report on 2019 Video Premiere COVID-19 has forced us to postpone our usual June Annual General Meeting*, but we still wanted to share what happened in 2019, thanks to your generous donations. So...

Pre-summer Update 2020

Happy Victoria Day long weekend! As we head into summer here in Canada, and a gradual re-starting of our economy, Kenyan students are heading into fall and winter, with many COVID-19 restrictions still in place including travel bans and...

Musa Penda Wanzala – Update

We first published Musa’s story in the Spring of 2020 and he wants all his supporters to know that he is well and continues to be a successful and very grateful ACCES recipient. Musa is now in his final...

It’s all about you

You have assisted so many people in dire circumstances as they obtain an education and it’s time for us at ACCES to try to give back to you, even in this small way. we are grateful for all...

Mid Winter Update

Can you believe Spring Break is just around the corner? Can you believe it? Spring Break is just around the corner! Staff in Kenya have distributed all of the scholarship intake advertisements and application forms throughout the catchment area....

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day is this Friday! What are you planning to do? 2020 has started off with a flurry of activity, and we’re already in the process of the annual competitive application process for this year’s new scholarship recipients! Before...

Hello 2020!

Well, here we are at the beginning of 2020 and January is almost over! A whole year waits before us to fill with good and wonderful things, to help those less fortunate, and to make the world a better...