Dear Friend of ACCES,
Here in Canada we’re heading into a holiday long weekend, with many of us planning outdoor activities and camping, even with some COVID-19 protocols remaining in place including the ban on gatherings of more than 50, 6 feet of distancing and mask wearing in closed public places.
Unfortunately, our students aren’t in a position to take holidays, or plan fun weekend activities in their small poor communities. The majority of them are still struggling to survive, with few work opportunities due to the COVID restrictions and lack of opportunity. That’s why ACCES scholarship awards are so important.
Staff in Kenya have almost completed the 2020 intake process, and prospective students are excitedly waiting for positive news about their applications. Despite the continuation of virus restrictions, they remain optimistic for starting their classes in September.
On behalf of our students, ACCES wants to thank you for your loyal, generous and consistent support towards helping them, especially during this time of uncertainty. We’re grateful for you!
Remember, your support literally changes lives–please give generously.
2020 Scholarship Intake
Due to the continuing COVID-19 restrictions in Kenya, and the impossibility of having 180 shortlisted students travel to the office in Kakamega, staff tried to arrange for video interviews. Unfortunately, most of the applicants didn’t have a mobile data plan, or a strong enough signal to try and use any of the Wi-Fi enabled platforms that had been identified for the shortlist interviews.Instead, staff were able to make arrangements for home visits within the county. While this has added to the delays in the intake process, it was the most effective and safe way to move forward for 2020. ACCES wasn’t prepared to postpone the awards, so our staff worked tirelessly to make accommodations to ensure that deserving students would not be denied this opportunity to alleviate poverty through education.Announcements to the final selected applicants will be made within the next two weeks.Thank you staff, for your diligence and innovation!
Otsiula Prisca
Prisca is currently in her 2nd year at Kibabii Diploma Teachers Training College working towards a Diploma in Education.
She is fourth born in her family of nine siblings, and the first generation college student, being the only one who managed to make it through high school. She says, “Getting started was a big issue, because the idea of going to college was alien to me. The first problem was the issue of going to school for an extended time, as it was just not in my family’s culture. The second problem was the economic status of my family. I felt like I would burden them even more and was unaware of what strain my student loan would have on my future if I was ever in debt because of my education, but I was determined to break this generational curse”
Her life in primary school was full of ups and downs. She enrolled when her mother was a cook and her little earnings of Kshs 3,000 monthly were channeled towards payment of fees. However, her mother became blind before she was able to complete school and was left in despair. During this time, she managed to survive through individual contributions and skipping lessons to do odd jobs.
In high school, her fees were paid by church members since she was an active youth in the church, volunteering as an usher and a chorister. This was her first good fortune, since her dad, a peasant farmer and her mother who was now blind were unable to afford her education. After excelling on her Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, Prisca had no other option than to stay at home for a year, helping her father with farm work after which she transferred to Nairobi to work as a housemaid. It was through her little savings that she managed to get an admission into a middle level College.
She states, “Life in college isn’t as simple as not having enough money or being academically overwhelmed. The greatest challenge is the way these things come together to create a social environment and make one feel socially excluded”
Depression was a constant issue for her and at times she felt dumb, poor, homesick confused and burnt out. Were it not for one of her college mates who introduced her to ACCES, she says that would not be alive today as she had been entertaining suicidal thoughts. Her hopes in life have now been rekindled as she strives to complete her studies next year.
She says that her heart is filled with much gratitude for all of you in Canada who are working tirelessly to ensure her education dreams are fulfilled. She says that “you are her guardian angel” and she wonders how to appropriately express her sincere gratitude. Forever she will be grateful for your generous contribution.
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ACCES alleviates poverty through education
ACCES works to help Africans obtain the skills and knowledge required to alleviate poverty through education, working with poor communities, and finding opportunities to help those less fortunate. Your continuing support is crucial to our work, and we look forward to partnering with you again this year. To donate online, click here, or send your cheque to the mailing address given below. You can also call our office during weekday business hours to make other arrangements such as automatic debits and credit card payments for monthly donations. Tax receipts are available for any amount over $10.00. Charitable registration number: 13983 1770 RR0001 [email protected] 604-688-4880
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