Thank you for providing young, Kenyan scholars with a pathway to a better future. All donations benefit our scholars and are greatly appreciated. Monthly contributions give the added benefit of enabling long-term planning that determines the number of post-secondary scholarships granted each year. Please consider the monthly option.
Daniel Opiero, ACCES Post-Secondary Scholarship Recipient

Daniel Opiero’s message to ACCES supporters is heartfelt gratitude.
“Thank you for joining hands to respond to my cries. You are a blessing to at-risk children.”
“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” (Nelson Mandela)
Looking back, Daniel doubted he would complete primary school. But now he finds himself in second year at Jomo Kenyatta University, undertaking a degree in Medicine and Surgery.
Daniel is the third born in a family of eight. Growing up in the Lurambi District in Kakamega Central, his home life was crushing. His father left when he was in class three. Without a stable income, his single mother struggled to earn money enough to feed the family. Daniel was tormented with nightmares of hunger and a hopeless future. He nevertheless had a desire to succeed. In his primary years, his high performance allowed him to attend a private school, Light Academy. He excelled. His high marks of 419 out of 500, granted him entrance for secondary school. But again his family did not have the means for him to continue.
The probability of Daniel completing high school was almost zero. Local fundraisers, recognizing his ability and his need, came forward to support him. Their belief in Daniel held fast. On the KCSE school leaving examinations he excelled with grade A-. He had won admittance to a university, but he had no money. Working at casual jobs he saved small sums for tuition. A local chief hearing that Daniel had to defer his entrance to university, encouraged him to apply for an ACCES scholarship. Successful, he felt like the heavy luggage he was carrying had been offloaded.
Daniel trusts in a brighter future. “All burdens are lighter as we all come together to lift it. We can’t do this without you! It is a joy and honour for me to be an ACCES beneficiary. Thank you for being a part of us.”
Donors make the difference
Why we donate to ACCES
“It has been both a pleasure and very gratifying to support ACCES Kenya with monthly donations. Knowing that our donations have sponsored scholarships for students to pursue educational goals is important to us. Over the years, seeing graduates return to take leadership roles in the ACCES organization has reaffirmed our belief that education is essential to help people out of poverty and contribute to the development of their communities.”
– Burt and Lana, monthly donors since 2006