Beneficiary 2011- 2013
MSBM: Moi University
Kapchebon, Mt. Elgon, Bungoma County

Andrew is a 4th born in a family of 8 siblings. He is from Mt. Elgon Sub- County, Bungoma County in the western part of Kenya. Andrew’s hope of attending school was always in a state of jeopardy. His family lived in a cycle of poverty, however he was able to maintain his dream of becoming a reliable person in his community. Andrew grew up in a mountainous and remote area in Bungoma, accessing education was a rare privilege in his community and he had to be fortunate and highly committed to fulfill his dreams. Both of his parents were unemployed depending on meagre earnings from peasant farming to cover all living expenses for their family of ten people.
Andrew managed to complete primary school through a government initiative of free primary education, trekking almost 20km to and from school each day. Having performed well, he was offered a chance at a national school, but his parents declined to send him due to a lack of fees. He was forced to join a neighboring day school which was more affordable but at many times had to miss lessons to make bricks with his father to pay for his fees. It was a rough journey through primary and secondary school, but he managed to complete senior school and passed his exams.
Andrew went to university but struggled to pay school fees. He was unable to write year one exams because of unpaid fees. His father sold the family’s only cow to pay his university fees, but this was still not enough. His turn around came when he was told about ACCES by his neighbor at home. He applied and emerged successful on his second application in 2011 which allowed him to pay off his outstanding fees and write his year one and year two exams. He can’t thank ACCES enough for their generosity.
Andrew’s journey hasn’t been easy however the support from ACCES has made a huge difference in his life. He attributes his scholarship from ACCES as the reason he finished school and is now able to make a difference in the lives of others. Most of Andrew’s siblings dropped out of school resulting in high illiteracy levels in the family which has perpetuated the conditions of poverty. He is proud of the fact that he was able to support his youngest brother through secondary school and university thanks to the support he received through ACCES – he feels like he received a double scholarship. He says, “My dreams would have been easily shattered since my parents are very poor, but faith kept me moving, obstacles were many but look, I have beaten all odds to be what I am”.
With a smile in his face, he says, “I am who I am because of ACCES. You are a blessing to my family and me. There is no sufficient number of words that could equal the generosity that you have and will continue to show during my time of need. Your support is highly valued.” Andrew is a champion for education as a permanent tool to change lives and train the youth with auditing skills required in the market today. He has supported many people in his family and village to self-actualize. Andrew was also able to take care of his aged parents as well as educate his own children. The education he got because of ACCES is a game changer and has had an exponential impact on the people around him.
Andrew graduated in 2013 with a bachelor’s degree in Business Management-Accounting option. He says ACCES revived his dreams, and he views life from different perspectives of being a successful auditor today. Currently, he is a civil servant employed by the County government of Bungoma as an internal auditor.